Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Tech Tip Tuesday : Buying Mobile Devices and Mistakes to Avoid.

Hello guys. I am here to present you another episode of the Tech Tip Tuesday. Are you planning on getting a new mobile device? Then today's your lucky day because I am bringing you tips on some mistakes you should avoid when deciding on what device to get. Here they are:

  • Automatically choosing the cheapest option available: 
This is one of the most common mistakes most people make when getting mobile devices especially in Nigeria. As we all know. the cheapest option is usually not always one of the best options. Likewise, the cheapest option in mobile devices is usually off brand and an older model with outdated software. So save up if you have to and invest your money in a quality brand with an up-to-date software. You'll end up enjoying your money's worth for a long time.

  • Ignoring the software or operating system that powers a device: 
By ignoring the OS of the device you are purchasing, you could end up with a very sleek tablet which you don't even know how to operate well or a sturdy phone that is whose OS is not compatible with your favorite social media apps. Therefore, you should take into consideration the OS powering a device and how you feel about using that OS before you buy it. You could try to find out what specific OS it runs on, check the version of the OS and the compatibility of the OS with most of the apps you are going to be needing and using on that device. You should also remember to choose a device whose OS you are comfortable with and are familiar with.

  • Not thinking of connectivity options: 
You want to avoid not thinking of the connectivity options . In other words you should ask yourself "How often do I connect to the internet?", " What ways of connecting to the internet do I use and are readily available to me?", "What do I usually do when I do connect to the internet?" Some devices are designed to connect to the internet only with WiFi connection while others  are designed with the ability to connect to the internet using both WiFi and you regular internet service provider or your mobile data. Also we have devices that run on 2G networks, some on 3G networks and others on 4G. It is therefore appropriate that you keep this in mind along with the method you are most likely to connect to the internet with.

  • Not doing research:
 Successfully avoiding each one of the mistakes listed above requires you making some form of research before going into that store to get that mobile device. When you skip the research entirely you end up missing some of the details you should have been cautious about when buying the device. Therefore always do your research and when you do, you will be pleased with your purchase at the end of it all.

That being said, try to avoid these mistakes when next you are choosing a mobile device and I assure you my friends, you'll be glad you did. 
Want to find out what tips I will be dishing out next time? Watch out for this space next week. Till then, have a beautiful week ahead!


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