Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Tech Tip Tuesday - Using Less Data On Your Smartphone 2

   Last week, we started the using "less data on your smartphone" series. Did anyone try out that tip? Did it work for you? If it did then here's another tip for you and even if it didn't, you might find this new tip more useful.

TIP 2:
  • Use a browser with data saving tools e.g Google Chrome.
Reason: Since you have likely moved all your social media activities to your web browser you need to keep check that those sites do not consume so much data. Using a data saver on your browser enables you to do just that. The changes in data usage might not seem significant over a short period of time but it's worthwhile the long run.

The only disadvantage is that pages accessed using private connection (HTTPS) or pages in Incognito tabs will not be optimized. Other than that, it's a pretty good feature to think about using.
Would you be trying out this tip? Let us know through the comment box. Till next week Tuesday. Have a nice week ahead.

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